ARLO Camera Not Sending Email Alerts? Here’s What to Do.

ARLO Camera Not Sending Email Alerts

ARLO cameras and other similar devices have gained popularity as remote home monitoring options with the introduction of smart technologies. Like any technological device, ARLO cameras can occasionally have problems, such as ARLO camera not sending email alerts at the appropriate times. Don’t worry if you’re having problems solving this ARLO camera not sending email alerts issue, we’ve got you covered with our extensive troubleshooting guide.

Recognizing The Problem Why ARLO Camera Not Sending Email Alerts

Let’s first examine the possible reasons why your ARLO camera not sending email alerts before moving on to the solutions.

  • Incorrect Configuration: This is the most frequent cause and can occur on the camera itself or in the corresponding ARLO app.
  • Network Issues: The camera may not be able to deliver notifications if there is a poor Wi-Fi signal or poor network connectivity.
  • Email Configuration: ARLO camera not sending email alert failures may be caused by problems with the email account that is set up in the ARLO app, such as misconfigured login information or server settings.
  • Updates to the firmware: Incompatible firmware on the base station or camera may prevent email notifications from being delivered.

Troubleshooting Steps For ARLO Camera Not Sending Email Alerts

Now that we are clearer on the possible reasons, let’s go to the troubleshooting procedures to fix the ARLO camera not sending email alerts problem:

1. Examine The Camera Settings

Make sure the motion detection settings on the camera are set up correctly first. Make sure motion detection is turned on by opening the ARLO app, going to the camera settings, and navigating there. If required, modify the detecting zones and sensitivity.

2. Check Your Email Preferences

Check the ARLO app’s email settings again. Make sure the email notification option is turned on and that the relevant email address is listed to receive notifications. Re-enter your email credentials if necessary, and check the email configuration.

3. Verify The Network Connection

Verify that the Wi-Fi network to which your ARLO camera is attached is reliable. ARLO camera not sending email alerts might be if there are sporadic or poor connectivity. For improved coverage, think about moving the camera nearer to the WiFi router or adding a Wi-Fi range extender.

4. Upgrade The Firmware

Verify whether there are any firmware updates for the base station and the ARLO camera available. Older firmware may interfere with compatibility and hinder the proper operation of email alerts.

5. Examine The Spam Folder

Email alerts from ARLO cameras can get in your email account’s spam or garbage bin. To guarantee that ARLO alerts reach your email, make sure to check these folders frequently and mark them as “not spam”.

Advantages of ARLO Camera Email Alerts

  • Instant Notifications: Take instant action by receiving real-time alerts on your computer or smartphone whenever motion is detected.
  • Remote Monitoring: It helps you feel more secure and at ease by keeping you updated on activities around your house even when you’re not there.
  • Evidence Gathering: Email notifications that contain pictures or videos of motion that has been identified can be very helpful in proving a security breach or other questionable activities.
  • Customization: For a more individualized monitoring experience, adjust the motion sensitivity, detecting zones, and notification frequency of email alerts to your preferences.
  • Integration: For complete home automation and surveillance, simply link ARLO camera email notifications with other smart home appliances and security systems.

Final Thoughts

It can be aggravating to deal with an ARLO camera that isn’t working properly and ARLO camera not sending email alerts, particularly when home security is involved. However, you may easily locate and fix the problem if you follow the troubleshooting procedures described in this tutorial. Recall to check your email setup, update firmware, make sure you have a steady network connection, double-check your camera settings, and check your spam folder. You can make sure that your ARLO camera continues to be a useful tool for maintaining the safety and security of your house by acting proactively to solve the issue.